A musical trip
Music from Brazil
Samba is a Brazilian musical genre and dance style, with its roots in Africa via the West African slave trade and African religious traditions, particularly of Angola and the Congo, through the samba de roda genre of the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia, from which it derived. Although there were various forms of samba in Brazil with popular rhythms originated from drumming, samba as a music genre is seen as a musical expression of urban Brazil.
The modern samba that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century is predominantly in a 2/4 time signature varied with the conscious use of a sung chorus to a batucada rhythm, with various stanzas of declaratory verses. Traditionally, the samba is played by strings (cavaquinho and various types of guitar) and various percussion instruments such as tamborim. Influenced by American orchestras in vogue since the Second World War and the cultural impact of US music post-war, samba began to use trombones, trumpets, choros, flutes, and clarinets.
In addition to distinct rhythms and meters, samba brings a whole historical culture of food, varied dances (miudinho, coco, samba de roda, and pernada), parties, clothes such as linen shirts, and the Naif painting of established names such as Nelson Sargento, Guilherme de Brito, and Heitor dos Prazeres. Anonymous community artists, including painters, sculptors, designers, and stylists, make the clothes, costumes, carnival floats, and cars, opening the doors of schools of samba. There is also a great tradition of ballroom samba in Brazil, with many styles. Samba de Gafieira is the style more famous in Rio de Janeiro, where common people used to go to the gafieira parties since the 1930s, and where the moves and identity of this dance have emerged, getting more and more different from its African, European and Cuban origins and influences.

The band
United by music
The Band - Gringos do Samba
EN: Some friends had an excellent idea: Why not make out of their passion for music a way to bring some of the Brazilian music to Holland? And so the band "Gringos do Samba" was born.
“Os Gringos do Samba”
When the band started, some 12 years ago, it was composed of only Gringos, all with a strong connection to Brazil.
Being Gringos gave us the freedom to play both samba and other, non-samba types of Brazilian music, give it our own twist and do some freewheeling.
Over the years, people left, new people joined, until we reached the group as it is now: a colourful mixture of five Brazilians and six Europeans with a deep passion for Brazilian music.
We love sharing our passion and the tremendous fun of making music with our audience. Any audience: be it at a festival, such as the embassy festival in 2018, a birthday celebration of a friend, big marriages, official receptions or anniversaries of any kind, Os Gringos do Samba will make people smile and dance!
We play a broad variety of Brazilian rhythms such as samba, Forró, Frevo, Xote, Baiao, Bossa Nova, MPB, Carimbo and Samba-Reggae. Our ever growing repertoir exists of a selection of famous and also more intimate songs of some of Brazil’s greatest artists. In this way, in all modesty, Os Gringos do Samba hopes to be a good ambassador of the rich Brazilian musical culture. (by Joost Drossaers)
BR: Alguns amigos tiveram uma ideia excelente: Por que não fazer da paixão deles por música uma maneira de trazer um pouco da música brasileira para a Holanda? E assim nasceu a banda "Gringos do Samba".
Conheça "Os Gringos do Samba”, o vibrante grupo musical que se apresentou na celebração da Data Nacional brasileira:
“Quando a banda começou, há doze anos, era inteiramente composta por “gringos”, todos com uma forte conexão com o Brasil. Sermos “gringos” nos deu a liberdade de tocar tanto samba, quanto outros tipos de música brasileira, sempre acrescentando o nosso próprio “sabor”.
Ao longo dos anos, colegas partiram e outros se juntaram a nós, até chegarmos à composição atual do grupo: uma mistura colorida de cinco brasileiros e seis europeus, ligados por uma paixão profunda pela música brasileira.
Nós amamos dividir, com a nossa plateia, essa paixão e a enorme diversão que é fazer música! Tocamos ampla variedade de ritmos brasileiros como o samba, forró, frevo, xote, baião, bossa nova, MPB, carimbó e samba-reggae. Nosso sempre crescente repertório inclui uma seleção de músicas famosas e autorais de alguns dos maiores artistas brasileiros. Dessa forma, com toda a modéstia, “Os Gringos do Samba” desejam ser sempre bons embaixadores da rica cultura brasileira nos Países Baixos”. (por Joost Drossaers).
The musicians
Marcelo | Voice and Guitar |
Joost | Guitar and Percussion |
Remi | Accordion |
Jan Jacob | Voice and Guitar |
Roberto | Percussion |
Roger | Bass |
Margrit | Percussion (pandeiro) |
Beatriz (Bia) | Sax and Soprano |
Ariane | Voice |
Clariana | Voice |
If you're interested to see and hear us live, don't hesitate to contact us. We can bring live Brazilian music to you!
Please get in touch with Joost: Tel. +31 644306212.
Or send us an email: gringosdosamba@gmail.com
Our Facebook page:
Facebook Gringos do Samba
Our performance
Together with friends, we're playing and enjoying a "gezellig" evening to the sound of Brazilian music. It is a great joy for all of us.